If you wish to contribute to the wgmi DAO, you should head over to the Discord server and join a contributor tribe of your interest. These contributor tribes comprise of various fields such as operations, marketing, community, and education tribes. Wgmi DAO Contributors will be fairly remunerated at the end of every month in the form of USDC payments.

How do I get started?

  1. Join the wgmi Discord server.
  2. Get on a call with the a Core team member and show your interest as a DAO Contributor.
  3. Fill out the Contributor form and select the wgmi DAO Contributor option.
  4. Head over to the #path-selection channel and react to the respective emoji(s).
  5. You can view the tasks available to you in the #get-started channels of your respective tribe(s).
  6. Apply for a tasks on DeWork
  7. Your contributions will be remunerated in USDC payments from the wgmi treasury.